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Adolestar Labs

Here's an opportunity to highlight company news or a special service you offer in a way that stands out. Click to begin editing and customize the text to your needs.

Sign up for the Teenstarmedian.

Become the network.


What makes a Good Candidate for partnering as
           a Adolestar Network Agent? 

1. Clout Chasing

If you find yourself always searching for more Instagram followers or ways to gain more views on your Snapchat stories and want more attention to your Youtube Channel.  Why haven't you worked for us already...

2. Charitable Minded  

Ordinarily very few people want to do things for other. If you like to go out of your way to make people have a better day, especially if they are disabled or not socially connected with the general crowd (In-Crowd)

3. Flexible Schedule

Self-explanatory, Teenstar may need you for projects or activities which are planned just days or few weeks ahead of you. (Film Locations, Meetings, Volunteer Days, Trade Shows.)

4. Diplomatic (Social Butterfly)

Someone who can be responsive in dealing with others and who can achieve resolutions or facilitate discussion while moving forward as a whole. If you don't feel limited in socializing. Teenstar is great for you.

the rap.png
5. Management  (behind the scenes)

Can you shift from, the Number 1 star of the next TSM short film of the year, too the backstage Security Manager, Operate mid-tier film equipment, Edit small parts of a clip then judge the script relatability, Direct a 28 min movie. Understand how the public may respond to a controversial topic of the season, Can you use that to your advantage?

 If not, can you learn? lol


Teenstar Interview Process after an application is a sent for review. A TSM staffer will contact you for a telephone interview, this is too create a profile of your social media accounts, strengths and weakness to help suit you for upcoming TSM related events during this time any questions can be answered.

 Must be at least 12 years old to apply, or currently in 6th grade in a public, private or homeschooling curriculum. 

TSM requires parental/guardian media release forms signed, before any material produced by tsm can be published on behalf of the nonprofit.

Applicants 18 and older must provide ACT 34, and 151 Background Clearances.


Criminal History Act 34 Form

Child Abuse Act 151 Form


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© 2020 Teenstar Media Nonprofit
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